

DJ of the Month: Brian Price

Posted on November 3, 2015 by webmaster

Meet Brian Price of Brian Price Wedding Entertainment who’s been business for 13 years in Youngstown, Ohio.  Our CHAUVET DJ DJ of the Month!


CDJ: How did you get started DJing?


image3BP: I was in a band in high school and part of college. When the band broke up, I got a part-time job in radio, and began DJing small gigs. The radio job became full-time, and I started to become more serious about DJing as a craft. Slowly I built my skills and my business acumen until I felt I was able to open my own business. Which I did in 2002.

CDJ: What are your thoughts about lighting?

CDJ: What kind of Chauvet gear do you use?

image4BP: I’ve used Chauvet DJ gear almost exclusively throughout the years. For most lighting jobs, I use a combination on Freedom Strip, EZ Par, and EZ pin fixtures. For GOBOs, I’ve used LFS-5’s and The Gobo Shot 50 IRC. I just added the Chauvet Wash FX For wall and ceiling wash and love them. Great fixture! In the future, I plan to use the Freedom line exclusively for events. I love the colors and the flexibility they provide.

CDJ: What advice would you give other DJs?

BP: Be interested in everything as it relates to your craft. Whether it’s as a DJ, or as a lighting professional. There’s always something new to learn, and a different way of looking at what you do. Curiosity and the willingness to strike up conversations is a big plus. Read everything you can get your hands on, then take your gear out in the field and let your imagination take over!


To learn more about Brian Price Wedding Entertainment, visit https://www.djbrianprice.com/