

Forever Young: Timeless DJing

Posted on December 11, 2013 by webmaster

(from Buzzfeed.com)

DJ Granny Throws Elderly Disco Party

So much adorable. This is DJ Wika Szmyt, a 76-year-old Polish beat farmer who throws all night raves for senior citizens. And by “all night rave,” I mean very pleasant disco and samba dance party that is likely over in time for “Wheel of Fortune.”

Kacper Pempel / Reuters

Kacper Pempel / Reuters


1486658_10151782161025840_957454094_nThe dance parties these DJs host may be over in time for Wheel of Fortune, but their spirit and love of music is timeless and could be an inspiration to generations of DJs.

Tell us what you think about it? Music is timeless so is DJing only for the young? How long will you be mixing?