CHAUVET DJ BLOG concert lighting

Lighting Inspiration of the Week

Posted on July 18, 2015 by webmaster

Check out this awesome light show put together by Jeremy Helmers at Iowa State University.  Jeremy shared it with us because CHAUVET DJ gear is a big part of it! According to Jeremy, this show features “Chauvet Intimidator Spot 355z IRC (x12), Intimidator Beam LED 350 (x6), SlimPar 56 (x8), Hurricane Flex 1800 (x5), and Scorpion […]

CHAUVET DJ Goes Behind the Scenes of Ultra Music Festival

Posted on April 9, 2015 by webmaster

The Ultra Music Festival rocked Miami last month and CHAUVET was a big part of the mind-blowing lighting design conceived by Steve Lieberman, President of SJ Lighting, Inc. In these videos Steve takes us through some of his design concepts using CHAUVET Professional fixtures like the Nexus Aw 7×7 panels and Legend 230SR Beams! The Ultra […]