CHAUVET DJ Gig Lab: It's in the Bag!

Posted on March 8, 2014 by webmaster

TRUSST brand Arch and Goalpost kits are great additions to any mobile entertainer”s rig. They couldn”t be easier to set up and take down. But getting them in the optional gear bags? That”s been a little trickier for some users. So this mobile casino trip to the Gig Lab lets the cat out of the […]

Digital DJ Tips Lighting Guide for DJs – Pt. 3

Posted on November 22, 2013 by webmaster

Part 3 of Digital DJ Tips’ Series on Lighting for DJs! So here in Part 3, we’ll conclude by looking at where we go from scenes. Because while scenes are an impressive feature, changing scenes manually all the time would be quite a hassle, which is why we have “chases” (sometimes called “shows”). We’ll talk […]