Iffla's Productions Takes CHAUVET® DJ to the Prom

Posted on June 4, 2013 by webmaster

Michael Iffla, owner of Iffla’s Productions, uses 14 CHAUVET® DJ fixtures to add excitement and ambiance to a school dance held at Lanier High School in Austin, Texas.  During this event, he used the following fixtures: four LEDrain 64C, two LEDrain 38C, four COLORsplash Jr., LED Techno Strobe RGB, Eclipse RGB and Scorpion Burst GB. He […]

Panama Distributor Cia. Alfaro Celebrates 75th Anniversary

Posted on September 19, 2012 by webmaster

Business Development for Latin America Paula Ortiz joined distributor Cia. Alfaro in Panama for their 75th anniversary party. Cia. Alfaro distributes a variety of CHAUVET® lights from the DJ and Professional line. Lighting the party were LEDrain 64C and SlimPAR 64 fixtures, DMX Mega Strobe III strobe light, Intimidator Spot LED 250 moving head lights and more. Here are some photos: